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Check here to learn which birds are currently set up for breeding!
I will update each pairs progress from the intial pairing, through the breeding cycle and the end result. So check back often for progress updates!
Black Head/White Breast/Yellow Back hen & Red Head/Purple Breast/Dilute cock
Update: October 9th, 2003
This pair was set up at the end of August and currently is sitting on 5 eggs. I just candled the eggs today and 4 of them are fertile. Anticpated hatch date is October 3rd. This pairing will produce Yellow backed hens, Dilute cocks and Double Factor Yellow backed cocks.
The eggs hatched on October 6th. Looks like two yellows for sure of the 4 that hatched. I'm hoping they are both double factor males, but then could be hens too.
Black Head/Purple Breast/Green backed hen split to Blue & Red Head/White Breast/Blue backed cock
Update: October 9th, 2003 This pair currently has eggs being fostered under societies. In their first attempt, they were not sitting on the eggs and I fostered them to the societies. Their are 6 hatchlings in the nest which will be Blue backed and Green Backed split to Blue.
They are now are their second clutch of 5 eggs and all 5 are fertile. This time their are sitting tight on the eggs. Anticipated hatch date is Octover 3 for this pair as well.
The eggs for this clutch hatched on October 5th. Looks like one Blue back for sure. 4 of the 5 eggs hatched, not sure what the other 3 are yet.
Self Chestnut crested Societies
Updated: Thursday, September 25th, 2003
I have a trio of societies in this breeding cage, since I was not sure which ones were male/female. Turns out to be 2 females and 1 male. The eggs just hatched today and their are 4 babies in the nest so far and one more egg to hatch.